Sunday, September 6, 2009

Full Moon Rising

The full moon has an especially powerful effect on the inhabitants of our planet. Lunacy and our lunar satellite seem to be closely related. When the Moon is full so are hospital emergency rooms. Werewolves howl, vampires prowl, and witches ride. We all know the Moon is made of green cheese, but did you know that by blowing nine times on a wart while the Moon is full will make the wart go away? Every month I try to photograph the full Moon. As the date approaches, I scout around for a suitable landscape and note exactly where the moon will first appear. A full Moon rises within minutes of sunset. This is not good for photography because by the time the Moon clears the hills, the sky is too dark and the Moon is too bright. But on the evening before the full Moon, the moonrise is thirty minutes before sunset. This is perfect. There is still enough light to capture detail in the landscape and the sky turns a magical blue.
I took these photos while standing in one of Guglielmo's vineyards off Main. I used a 400m lens on a Nikon D300 camera. In Elements and LightRoom, I did a some sharpening and color correction, but other than that, this is how it looked.
Maybe I'm a lunatic,
but I can already feel the pull of October's full Moon.

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