Friday, February 27, 2009

A Winter Day at the Beach

Ahhh, at last a day without rain (although I am looking forward to its return tomorrow.) Time and opportunity to get out of town. I could hear the ocean calling, so I headed for SeaBright Beach in Santa Cruz. Last time I was there, the beach was littered with driftwood, and I envisioned ocean vistas with interesting configurations of driftwood in the foreground. Alas, it was not to be. Not a piece of driftwood in sight, just sand and water. As lovely as it was, it was not what I was looking for, so I drove south to Capitola. This beach didn't have exactly what I was looking for either, but I didn't want to spend the whole day looking for a photograph, so I decided to just enjoy my surroundings. I found a comfy rock to lean against, pulled out my book, settled in, and relished the warmth of the sun. After awhile, I realized that shadows kept passing overhead. I looked up to see sea gulls everywhere. A young girl had started to throw bread crumbs. My camera was sitting on my lap and I immediately started shooting. I have never had much success with photographing birds and thought this would be a good time to practice, since they were so close. Most came out as blurs. These two were the only keepers.

Capitola Wharf

After lunch at Zelda's, I looked around for more photos. It was just too nice of a day to head home yet. My plan was to walk out to the end of the wharf, but when I walked underneath it, I decided that this is where my camera and I should stop.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Coyote Lake Serpent

I was suppose to play golf Friday morning, but my friend had to back out at the last minute. I had two choices: stay home and clean my house or grab my camera and find something to photograph. I pulled out a local map and saw Coyote Lake beckoning me. It's only 15 miles from my house, yet I have never been there. It's a beautiful park. The water level is quite low, but I spotted this serpent along the shallow edge.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

World of Crystals

This is a photo I took for a Morgan Hill Photography Club Flickr project ("Still Life"). I like it because it is dramatic and a bit other-worldly. During a 4 second exposure in a dark room, I "painted" the crystals and ball with a small LED flash light. After a lot of trial and error, I finally captured what I had visualized in my mind. I tried to recreate it later with the camera set at a higher resolution, but could not. The heart is on the crystal ball to celebrate Valentine's Day.