Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Point Lobos Redux

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What better place to spend my birthday than at Point Lobos, a state reserve just south of Carmel? This was my fourth visit and I'm sure I will return many more times. Cypress Grove Trail loops through one of only two naturally growing Cypress stands remaining on Earth. The outermost trees grow out of the cracks and crevices in the granite rocks and must withstand strong winds and constant salt spray.
The orange on many of the trees (and rocks) is carotene pigmented green algae, which does not harm the trees.
This spread of ice plant seemed to be growing right out of the rock.
I specifically looked for branches trimmed with this
delicate, lace-like moss.
Weston Beach has more photographic opportunities than any single place in the park. On my visit in May, I concentrated on tide pools. This time I stayed with a wider view to capture the naturally saturated green and orange and blue.
The southern section of the park that includes the picturesque trail to China Cove was closed, so I walked out to Sea Lion Point and was pleasantly surprised by the seaside garden of flowers still in bloom.
Another birthday and
another exceptional day on the Northern California coast
More images from this day are on Flickr:

Friday, August 19, 2011

My 20 year old niece, Allison and her boyfriend Matty flew out from Virginia for a visit. The California sun has always been a draw for Allison, even though on most summer visits, the beach sun is shrouded by fog. But her weather timing was good this year. The sun was out in Santa Cruz and at Coyote Lake.
After staying a few days with me, I drove to them to San Francisco. First stop was Treasure Island to view the cityscape.

Then Chinatown for lunch
and checking out the stores
By the time we arrived at Ghirardelli Square, the sun had disappeared, but we were pretty much done for the day anyway.
They stayed over for another day of touring the City.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pray for Me, Ms. Mantis

Click on a photo to see a larger view.
Look who showed up in my backyard. I must admit that I was not the one who spotted her. She was kind enough to land on a flower in a pot on a stand on my deck, so she was almost eye level. I only had to fasten my camera to the tripod and attach the macro lens, and I was ready to shoot.
I was told that this is a female. I don't know how to tell, but she looks lovely on a bed of petals.
By adding 3 extension tubes, I was able to move in close enough to see the details of her UFO shaped head and tiny dot eyes. I left her soaking up some sun.
Seen any critters lately in your backyard?