Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Full Moon Over Morgan Hill

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The only homeowner who lives on El Toro used to live in the house next door to mine.  Her son-in-law has been my physical therapist since 1999 when I ripped my knee in a skiing accident.  In December she happened to be recovering from an injury at the same time I was and our therapy appointments overlapped.  She gave me permission to lead a group of photographers past her locked gate and onto El Toro to photograph the December Full Moon. A couple days before the event, I drove up to scout the scene and took this panorama with my iPhone. Click on it.
Then on the night of the big event, sixteen people in four cars caravaned up to the same spot in time to capture the color of the setting sun.
 Of course, the clouds that made for a pretty sunset, 
prevented a clear image of the moon,
but we had fun and finished the night with 
cookies and hot chocolate under the moon-lit sky.
You can see more photos from me and others on Flickr:

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