Sunday, April 24, 2011

April Full Moon

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The full moon has be elusive for the past several months... so much cloud cover. And its rising time has not been the most conducive for photography; rising 90 minutes before sunset on the night before the full moon (too light in the sky), and several minutes after sunset on the night of 100% fullness (which results in a darkened sky).This month a few members of the photography club and I decided to be ready for whatever appeared. We were tired of waiting for perfect conditions. The first night we met at the edge of a Guglielmo vineyard which has a clear view of the eastern foothills. As expected, the sky was light and the moon pale. In this second photo I brightened the moon so it would stand out more against the sky.
The next night (100% fullness), 3 of us trekked up the road to El Toro and were rewarded with a bright, orange globe.
Clouds in the west blocked the sun so the sky darkened quickly. We had only a few minutes to shoot before the sky was too dark to get a clear moon exposure. This last photo is a composite of two stitched together in Elements.
Not the exact photos I was looking for,
but sometimes you just have to work with what nature presents.

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