Saturday, January 29, 2011

Creative Endeavors

I didn't take many photographs in January. I was feeling a bit burned out and stale, so I let photography go for awhile. My day at the beach (previous post) helped, but I still couldn't get the creative juices flowing. So instead of taking new photos, I imported a few I already had into Photoshop Elements to explore how I could creatively morph them into a new artistic reality. This was tons of fun. You may see more of these in the future. I've included both the original and the transformed. Click on a photo to see it enlarged.
This is new for me.
I would love to know your thoughts on how I altered reality.


  1. Very nice...I really like the third one up the rose...Mike W.

  2. aunt susan! so creative as usual! i love the new photoshopped butterfly... beautiful colors!
