Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Auguste Rodin

I was in Palo Alto for two medical appointments at Stanford (and for those who know my story, after three years, my brain is intact and in normal working order). I had an hour between appointments, so I took my brown bag lunch to the Rodin Sculpture Garden on campus. A single parking place was open right at the entrance. I had been wanting to see these sculptures for some time, so after eating, I wondered the grounds with camera in hand. I don't know much about Rodin, but he must have been a tortured man. Most of his sculptures are of people who seem to be in agony. The sky was bright, so I moved in close to frame just the face of Pierre DeWissant, a Burger of Callais
I liked this statue of Adam mainly because of the shadow he cast. Eve was there also, but with no shadow. They are on either side of the "Gates of Hell" which was too tortured to look at, much less photograph.
This is an isolation of Adam's hand.
All the sculptures have very large extremities.
"The Thinker" was not available to photograph.
It's inside the museum.

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